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Medicare made easy.
Dedicated to Providing the Best Support for Veterans & Seniors.

Our Services


Dougherty Insurances offers a wide range of services to help seniors and veterans get the very best insurance and benefits available.  Qualified and licensed agents do the hard work for you, providing you with support and up to date information along the way.  Medicare insurance can seem overwhelming to navigate on your own.  We contract with more than 30 companies to offer you the very best options to fit your needs.


After helping you choose your plan, we will help make sure your claims get paid, answer your questions regarding your coverage and benefits, and help change plans in the future if necessary.


Dougherty Insurances is dedicated to help with the following:


  • Medicare

  • Turning 65

  • Low Income Seniors

  • Veterans

  • Relocating

Contact Us
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Why use a licensed insurance agent?

Using Dougherty Insurances simplifies the process of choosing the right healthcare coverages that fit YOUR needs. This process is pain free because we do all the work for you. We shop around and find the coverage that YOU are looking for. The best part is that Dougherty Insurances cost you no more money than trying to do it yourself! So the real question is: Why NOT use a Licensed Insurance Agent?

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I am a Veteran, do I still need Medicare?

Utilizing VA benefits as much as possible is something all VA recipients should be doing. Whether for prescription drugs, or by going to a local VA clinic for care. Unfortunately there ARE limitations to VA benefits, so this is where Medicare comes in. We at Dougherty Insurances look to make sure you are getting the MOST benefits from both the VA and Medicare so that you have the best coverage at local and VA clinics.

Can Dougherty Insurances help me if I'm on a low, fixed income?

We have helped thousands of Low Income Seniors receive assistance by lowering their healthcare and drug costs, even at little or no cost. If you are on Medicare and struggling to pay your bills, give us a call.

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