We help people with their insurance needs across the country. Join our team to take your career to the next level.
What Makes Our Agents Successful?
To be successful you need a proven track to run on. You also need training that does not end when you sign on. We have personally trained hundreds of agents in other insurance feild's. The most successful all follow the same path. Now we are training agents in the Medicare industry to do the same.
We will train you to work smarter not harder! One of our founding partners has been in the top 20 out of 5000, top 100 out of 10,000 and top 25 of 15000 agents. He accomplished this selling for 3 different carriers simultaneously.
Utilizing Diversified Marketing Strategies
Currently we utilize 8 different marketing strategies that coincide and supplement each other. Two of strategies generate inbound calls. The keys to a steady stream of qualified candidates is what makes us so successful. Work with a diligent team to increase our success rate with each strategy to create an overall system you can walk right in and use.
Client Retention
Good marketing should include successful new client acquisition as well as client retention . Being efficient with your current business retention is key. You need to be able to stay focused more on increasing business than retaining it. We have one of the highest retention rates in this industry and will show you how to do it.

There are 4 keys to retiring in the insurance business.
Build your Own Business (direct contracts)
Create a sustainable structure (establishing over 2 to 3 years)
Implement our system to expand and replace yourself. (4 to 6 years)
Stay active, semi active or enjoy your comfortable retirement.
If you are not doing the first three, the fourth will not be yours in the end.
Do what it takes now to enjoy a solid financial future.
How to Qualify to be an Agent With Us
All major Medicare contracts are with us.If you are not currently in the Medicare industry, no problem.
Our FMO, AgentFMO, will show you how to get properly certified and ready to sell. If you currently have contracts and want to begin the process of moving them to us, we can help.
You will have access to our full marketing system once every contract is in place.
Companies included but not limited to: UnitedHealth Care, Humana, Aetna, Anthem, Envision Rx, Wellcare, Cigna, Silver script, Mutual of Omaha and GTL
Join Dougherty Insurances

Benefits of becoming an agent with us:
Leads, systems, and support-already built and ready
for you!
We know what works and have successfully
increased our client base 4-fold in the last 3.5
years. (We make our livelihood at this)
We have designed and implemented a lead capture
system to generate inbound calls. The more successful
selling agents will receive those calls and we are locking
down areas for new agents based on a first come first serve
and production basis.
We are offering you 100% vesting from day one.
(You are building the business for YOU!)
A CRM and phone system that is integrated. Your emails record to your CRM and are assigned directly to your customer. Throw the note paper away.
The Medicare market is already large and increasing by 8-11,000 people per day. To stay competitive its agents, new and old, need mentoring, and a system to adapt to this ever-changing expanding market.